
Stephen C. Lundin, Ph.D,

Harry Paul and John Christensen

Year 2000

ISBN 978-0-340-81980-7



Mary Jane’s Outline


Choose Your Attitude

“When you are doing what you are doing, who are you being ? Are you being impatient and bored, or are you being world famous ? You are going to act differently if you are being world famous.” Who do we want to be while we do our work ?



The fish guys have fun while they work, and fun is energizing. How could we have more fun and create more energy ?


Make Their Day

The fish guys include the customers in their good time. They engage their customers in ways which create energy and good will.


Be Present

The fish guys are fully present at work. What can they teach us about being present for each other and our customers ?



..they are not daydreaming or on the phone. They are scanning the crowed and interacting with customers.


He could choose to live and to live fully, or he could let life slip away in a serious of missed opportunities. He has been making the choice to live fully every day since…..
We must choose our attitude every day and choose it well.


No matter what excuses we offer or what kind of spin we put on it, it doesn’t change how our internal customers feel.


Serving our customers well give us the satisfaction that comes to those who serve others. It will focus our attention, away from our problems onto how we can make a positive difference to others. This is healthy, will feel good, and will unleash even more energy.


The past is history

The future is a mystery

Today is a gift

That is why we call it the present


…efficiency isn’t always wise or nice with loved ones.

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    Betti Liu

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