目前分類:The essential cultural guide(Taiwan) (12)

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As Taiwan was located at the conjunction of the East Asia and the ocean, as well as being where the Northeast Asian waters meet the Southeast waters, it became the focus of the Western powers that were operating in East Asian waters at the time.
In the first half of the 17th Century, the Dutch established a presence at Anping (in modern-day Tainan city). They conducted missionary activities, trade and the production of various goods. They also recruited many Han Chinese immigrants from the China coast, leading to a multicultural history of Taiwan. The number of Han Chinese immigrants in Taiwan steadily increased during the short-lived Cheng (Koxinga) regime and Qing period over the next 200 years, creating a primarily Han society in Taiwan.
In the late 19th century, the wave of imperialism touched the shores of Taiwan. The island became a colony of Japan and remained under Japanese rule for 50 years, during which time it evolved from a traditional society into a modern society. At the end of World War II in 1945, Taiwan was liberated from colonial rule. Since then, the island has experienced an economic miracle and introduced political democracy achievements that have attracted the world's attention.

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Landmarks & Nature

Dragon Mountain Temple (Taipei)
Taipei 101
The National Palace Museum

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     WenshanPouchongTea,TieGuanyin (Also known as Oriental Beauty tea, Penghong tea or “bragger’s tea”), Bi Luo Chun, BaiHao Oolong Tea, Dong Ding Oolong Tea,

     Black Tea, High Mountain (Gaoshan) Tea

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Lunar Festivals

  • Chinese New Year (1/1)
  • Lantern Festival (1/15)
  • Tomb Sweeping Day (April)

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The fourteen recognized groups
Amis 阿美族, Atayal泰雅族, Bunun布農族, Kavalan噶瑪蘭族, Paiwan排灣族, Puyuma卑南族, Rukai魯凱族, Saisiyat賽夏族, Sakizaya撒奇萊雅族, Seediq賽德克族, Tao 達悟族, Thao邵族, Tsou鄒族 and Truku太魯閣族.


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    Chinese (traditional characters)

   ㄅㄆㄇ(Taiwanese phonetic system)

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Taiwan is a country in which religious freedom in protected and many religions are openly practiced, from the various Christian faiths to Taoism and the traditions of Buddhism. However, most of festivals in Taiwan revolve around praying for blessings in Taoism tradition.


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24-hour service

Book store, restaurant
Convenient store

 Convenience stores in Taiwan can do far more things than simply selling food or snacks. Shoppers can withdraw money, book train and other

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Table manners

Dining in Taiwan can be elaborate and exhausting with as many as twenty courses at a banquet. Business entertainment can last late into the night. Reciprocate with a dinner of equivalent value.
Be sure to arrive on time or early for a banquet.
Do not discuss business at dinner unless your hosts bring it up.

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  • Feb 28 Fri 2014 20:52
  • Food




Yam-rice congee (yam: sweet potatoes) ,pork floss , pan fried eggs,

salted peanuts, warm tofu, pickled cucumber, cabbage hearts or other pickled vegetables, dried radish, and beans.

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Transportations & Communications


MRT(Metro)U-bikebustrainTaxiTaiwan High Speed Rail


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